TCM’s regular programming has been put aside this month for its 25th annual 31 Days of Oscar festival.  Each film and short airing this February has won or been nominated for Oscar.  Every 31 Days celebration has a theme and this year is no different.  This year’s theme is 360 Degrees of Oscar where each film is connected by a performer who appears in the following film and so on.  For example, we start the showcase with Oscar-winning actor Laurence Olivier who received Best Actor nominations in The Entertainer and Wuthering Heights, the latter film co-starred Oscar-nominated actress Flora Robson who was in the next film, Caesar and Cleopatra and now you get the gist.  Have fun guessing what the connection is between the films, even though TCM lets you know on their 31 Days website.

I can’t forget to let you know that the Oscars airs early this year on February 9 aka next Sunday.

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The Entertainer (6AM/5AM)-a washed-up entertainer uses alcohol and young women to escape his dreary life.

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Wuthering Heights (7:45AM/6:45AM)-the 1939 adaptation of Emily Bronte’s classic novel of doomed love.

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Caesar and Cleopatra (9:30AM/8:30AM)-the one where Julius Caesar visits Cleopatra in Egypt.  Flirting and bickering follow.

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Quo Vadis (11:45AM/10:45AM)-see if you can spot a young Sophia Loren.

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Billy Budd (2:45PM/1:45PM)-the film debut of Terrence Stamp.

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Far From the Maddening Crowd (5PM/4PM)-Julie Christie has to choose between three men.  Oh, the horror!  Just google young Julie Christie.  To add: apparently it’s madding, not maddening.  My bad.

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Doctor Zhivago (8PM/7PM)-Lara and Yuri fall in love.  Their spouses Pasha and Tanya get the shaft.

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Funny Girl (11:30PM/10:30PM)-the film debut of Barbra Streisand which resulted in the only true tie in Oscar history.

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The Way We Were (2:15AM/1:15AM)-Polar opposites fight for their relationship to work.

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The Candidate (4:30AM/3:30AM)-A senatorial candidate begins to lose his ideals as he rises in the polls.

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